Tuesday, July 30, 2013

After her brother went off to war, Sally's life changed radically. Her dad, so eaten up with guilt over sending his only son to war, began drinking. Eventually, he moved out of the house, and started sleeping down at the mortuary. Sally carried a lot of responsibility during this time, driving the hearse that doubled as an ambulance. It was a very turbulent time in her family's life.

      Another thing happened during this time that made life difficult is that sometime during Sally's early high school life, she began to have some problems with her thyroid, and perhaps some other glands as well. It caused her to gain a lot of weight, and miss a lot of school. It was a very lonely time, and was not helpful in her rocky school relationships. However, the doctors were able to treat her problems, and eventually she recovered into this stunning young woman.

     Sally was never particularly comfortable in her womanhood. She wanted to be like the boys, and of course she wasn't. As I said before, she was always disgusted that she had breasts. She felt that they got in the way of people seeing the real her. She didn't want sexual attention. She wanted real attention to her thoughts and feelings. Honestly, I think Sally would have been happy with a sexless existence. The fact that Sally was so beautiful meant that she never got what she wanted.

      Sally was always rather appalled at the fact that everyone else was so interested in sexuality. She herself was trying to stay as far away from it as possible. As she left high school and went to college, this became a bigger issue in her life. She did NOT enjoy what she felt was rampant sexuality in dorm life! She also did not enjoy the girls in her dorm that were so focused on it! To Sally the pranks, and dirty jokes were an irritation that made her college life uncomfortable.

      Combined with the problems Sally had with her dorm mates, was also the fact that Sally was still going through boyfriends like a dolphin slicing through the ocean to avoid kissing any of them. She had a real reputation on Campus, which she could not understand, and would not explain. However she did have a lot of fun, on the many single dates she went on.

      Despite all of the drama, Sally was an excellent student, and was very proud of the fact that her grades often exceeded her brother's, who was considered a genius. However, she rarely got the spotlight for her academic success, and was always sidelined to her brother's success. I believe she graduated Magna Cum Laude.

       Sometime after college she began modeling, which she continued to do off and on for many years. She loved modeling, and regularly insisted to me that the profession was much different in those days. She would say, "It wasn't about the model's sexy walk or anything else. It was about the clothes, showing off the clothes. We were taught to minimize attention to ourselves, so that people would look at the clothes!". It was an exciting time to be involved with fashion. It was when the fashion greats were designing, such as Chanel, Christian Dior, and others. Her personal wardrobe blossomed, as models often were given the clothing they modeled.

       Sally was also relieved to be doing anything besides playing the piano. For a time she had a rather serious relationship with a young Jewish boy. They discussed marriage, but Sally could not figure out how to resolve their religious difference, and eventually ended their relationship. It wasn't so much the boy, and she, but their respective parent's convictions that doomed them from the outset.

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